The Internet of (Dog) Things Is Coming

A new product category of Pet Technology is starting to emerge. Technology can help pet parents track their dog’s health and safety. There are already more than half a dozen smart collars on the market and many pet parents use nanny cams to keep an eye on their pooch from work. But where is the product category going? What factors should you consider when deciding how you and your dog can benefit from technology? At PupPod, we asked ourselves…what would a computer look like if a dog invented it? We think three key factors are necessary:
Mental and Physical Stimulation
When dogs play PupPod, they use their brain to earn rewards. And the game keeps getting harder so they have to keep thinking to keep earning rewards. As dogs play PupPod, they have to be physically active especially when the toy get further away from the treat dispenser.
A Valuable Reward
PupPod provides a few treats at a time to keep your dog motivated to learn. But PupPod can also be used to dispense a normal meal or a combination of kibble and treats. We’ve also designed parental controls so pet parents can control caloric intake.
Pet Parent Engagement
When pet parents can’t be with their fur-babies, they miss them. Technology need to address this problem and help pet parents feel more connected. PupPod accomplishes this by sending video and game stats to a pet parents smartphone. Pet parents can share videos on social networking and learn how their dog is learning. The Internet of (dog) things is still in its infancy, but companies like PupPod are using technology to help pet parents feel more connected and help dogs learn new skills.