Dog restricted to low-impact activity? PupPod can help!

When Ollie, the PupPod Office Dog, had minor surgery a few months ago, his veterinarian told us to restrict his activity for at least a week.
This could have been problematic for a couple of reasons. The first was that Ollie is a high-energy breed. The second was that Ollie was a high-energy puppy at the time. For many people, this combination could result in a very bored, very unhappy dog – along with a very exasperated pet parent. It might even lead to stretching the limits of “doctor’s orders” which might result in injury or infection.
Luckily for us, Ollie was already a PupPod pro by this time. So several times each day, we fired up the toy to ensure that Ollie stayed safely active and engaged. We even turned mealtime into fun-time by feeding him breakfast and dinner using PupPod.
Ollie got some great, low impact physical activity by walking from the toy to the Pet Tutor treat dispenser for his reward. But even more importantly, his brain got lots of exercise, too, which can wear out a dog more quickly and thoroughly than a five-mile run. According to renowned animal behaviorist and trainer, Dr. Ian Dunbar, “Mental exercise tires a dog physically more than physical exercise does.”
That’s because your pup solves problems using his frontal cortex, the same region that stores glucose and other chemicals as fuel. When your dog plays PupPod, his brain eventually runs low on fuel, he gets tired, and he needs takes a nap to recharge and refuel. Then, once he’s caught a few zzzzzz’s, he can start playing all over again. And since he game offers new, interesting challenges as he learns, you’ll never have to worry about your dog being bored while he’s recovering.
As a low-impact-yet-super-fun activity, PupPod is perfect for:
Dogs recovering from illness or injury
Following your vet’s orders to a T will help ensure a quick and complete recovery. Incorporating PupPod can make it less stressful and more fun for both of you. (It’s also a great option if you’re the one who’s on restricted activity!)
Dogs with arthritis or joint issues
For dogs with these issues, it’s important to find an exercise routine that protects them from excess stress on their bodies, but provides them with the mental and physical activity they need to remain healthy.
Senior dogs
Yes, your old dog can – and should! – learn new tricks! Staying active with PupPod can keep them in tip-top shape both physically and mentally. Studies have even shown that mental exercise may be able to stave off doggie dementia.
It can be tempting to take your puppy for a long run to burn off some of that excess energy. That’s because they’re growing rapidly, and their bones are still soft and pliable until about 18 months of age. Using PupPod, along with short stints of other low impact activity, will prevent long-term damage.
As always, check with your vet to make sure that PupPod, or any activity, is right for your dog’s situation.